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Now more than ever, Americans are seeking an opportunity to share their voice.  Increasingly, they want to be heard by government agencies, membership organizations, or even large corporations.  While technology has fostered a greater dialogue, there's still a long way to go. 


"A View From You" builds a truly two-way conversation with your audience.  This is particularly valuable in connecting with those less likely to show up for public hearings, or protests, or other more traditional forms of participation.  Unlike a traditional town-hall, questions are posed to the audience, who share their thoughts via phone, via text message, and online using a dedicated social media hashtag.  Ultimately, the hour-long broadcast delivers actionable insights, builds trust, and develops plans that better align with their constituents and stakeholders.  

If you'd like to subscribe to our YouTube channel, click here.  If you'd like to subscribe to our podcast, click here.

How It Works

Production Details